Tuesday, October 21, 2014

To Know Malaysia Is To LAUGH MALAYSIA With Harith Iskander On 29th October 2014

Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for some great laughs?

With so much disparity and tragedy that has befallen Malaysia this year, we need to bring Malaysians together to stand united and laugh together under one UMBRELLA with some true Malaysian-styled comedy and humour! In the aim to spread the “1Malaysia” spirit, godfather of stand-up comedy in Malaysia, Harith Iskander, will be putting up his best performance on 29th October at Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil.

Harith Iskander…To Know Malaysia Is To.. “Laugh, Malaysia!”

Date: 29th October 2014, Wednesday
Time: 8.30pm
Venue: Putra Indoor Stadium, Bukit Jalil
Ticket Prices: RM258, RM158, RM118, RM78 and RM38 (Excludes RM3.00 processing fee)
RedTix Hotline: 03-8775 4666 or www.AirAsiaRedTix.com

The show aptly given the title “Harith Iskander…To know Malaysia is to LAUGH MALAYSIA!”, promises to be the biggest night of stand-up comedy in Malaysia with appearances by one of the best talents from the new generation of stand-up comedians, Dr Jason Leong and a special guest appearance by Papa CJ, India's most influential comedians!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

‘CHICHI & CHACHA’ - 全亚洲首部儿童寓教于乐剧集

BIG FISH MEDIA 荣誉呈献带领新风潮的儿童寓教于乐剧集,CHICHI & CHACHA即将从1011起透过 ASTRO CERIA & ASTRO MAYA HD 频道启播。

电视台:Astro Ceria (频道 611) Astro Maya HD (频道 135)

CHICHI & CHACHA’ 是一部综合了趣味性、游戏、探险与学习等元素的益智剧集。它的目标群乃幼儿园至小学低年级(6-8)的观众。此套寓教育于娱乐的剧集动感十足,而且趣味无穷,它预料将在马来西亚的益智性娱乐节目市场掀起一波崭新风潮。这部电视剧从星期一至星期五每天重播3 (13 x 30分钟)

在 CHICHI & CHACHA节目里亮相的包括一批朝气蓬勃的电视节目主持人,他们善用歌曲、舞蹈、音乐以及三维动画等媒介来营造一个积极的环境,以期达到寓教于乐的效果。这将是马来西亚破天荒首部融合真人实景摄制以及3D动画以达到增效作用的节目。

Friday, September 19, 2014

GUESS Unveils The Kids Fall 2014 Collection And Campaign

BoooOo! A busy weekend is approaching! Any plans? Are you excited to dress up your daughter/ son like princess/ prince?

Me and my daughter was invited to GUESS Kids KLCC to discover the latest Fall 2014 Collection last Saturday. I love the inspiring window displays - it captures imaginative boys and girls dressed in the season’s most anticipated, western inspired styles from the Fall Collection that has been guided by Paul Marciano, Creative Director for GUESS? Inc.

We were having a gleeful morning viewing the latest collection while savoring the cowboy snacks including gift packs with chips, as well as chocolate chip cookies, lollipopsraisin mini packs and gummy candies. My daughter enjoyed it very much! 

A brief introduction about the GUESS Kids Fall 2014 Collection was given by the brand manager Jeslyn Ho. In her introduction to her speech about the boutique, I had just noticed that the store was divided into two main areas for shopping - the girls section on the left and the boys section on the right, so it's fairly easy to get around.

Denim jacket is getting a major update this season in new silhouettes. My daughter (top left) looks so chic with this GUESS Kids Girl Denim Jacket, which I really love! But I never have thought that its available in sizes all the way up to 14T, even Jeslyn Ho (top right) is wearing it too! I do agree that sometimes kid clothes fit better than supposed same-sized adult clothes. The savings are brilliant though!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Nu Teen 《同學會 The Gathering》电影首映礼及派对

期待已久的《同学会 The Gathering首映礼终于到了!這套电影讲述一段發生在太平的小愛情故事,故事敍述女主角小美(周周饰演)透过每年举办的同学会寻找当年的班长 - 方太(陈泽耀饰演);而饰演同班同学的还有朱浩仁、郑暐訚。郭晓东则饰演一名插班生。除了学校,《同学会》也在太平湖、小贩中心、Larut Matang 冰店、Flemington Hotel、街上钟楼等等地方取景。

取票当天,有上百名粉丝扎堆 GSC Berjaya Times Square 一楼大厅人山人海啊!粉丝们都穿上校服,个个看起来都青春无敌!

~ 永远支持东于哲的粉丝们 ~


Nu Teen 很荣幸有这个机会赞助东于哲演绎的《同学会》这部电影,东于哲也是品牌代言大使。为了让顾客更了解此产品的效果,Nu Teen 邀请品牌代言人 东于哲,及参与《同学会》这电影的演员周周及朱浩仁与大家来个亲密接触。一众主演以青春飞扬的校服装纷纷亮相,这些都不能阻挡粉丝们对他们的热爱。 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Nu Teen 免费送你看《同学会The Gathering》 首映礼


大马校园纯爱励志电影《同学会将会在94全马青春上映!但在这之前, Nu Teen 包场免费送你抢先看电影《同学会让我们集体回忆那一段青春岁月!当天东于哲、周周、朱浩仁也会出席和现场的观众进距离互动哦

电影《同学会 The Gathering首映礼
日期:31/08/2014 (星期日)
地点:GSC , Berjaya Times Square


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Review : GlamGlow YouthMud™ Tinglexfoliate Treatment

Recently I’ve heard so many people raving about the GLAMGLOW products and I wanted to try it especially the famous GLAMGLOW YouthMud Treatment. Well, I've been lucky enough to get a deluxe sample under The Butterfly Project and I’m excited to see if it’s live up to the expectations.

GLAMGLOW was originally designed for exclusive professional backstage use in Hollywood. In 2011, GLAMGLOW became available to consumers worldwide and is now one of the hottest brands in skincare. Known for fast-acting and innovative mud treatments, their patent-pending formulas combine real pieces of leaf with high-end technology to deliver instant, visible results.

The GLAMGLOW range consists of four (4) core products: YouthMud Treatment, SuperMud Clearing Treatment Mask, BrightMud Eye Treatment, and the newest addition of ThirstyMud Hydrating Treatment. 

GLAMGLOW YouthMud Treatment is a 10-minute professional-grade mud mask that leaves skin radiant and glowing. It works with the body's natural collagen & provides gentle resurfacing exfoliation and helps to leave skin smoother, brighter, and softer. While providing tighter skin texture and tighter pores, it provides a more youthful appearance and absorbs impurities without removing natural oils. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

CRES 11th Anniversary Celebration

CRES WELLNESS was established in 1997 by Mr Chew Wai Ming, the founder of Cellnique Paramedical, is a holistic beauty and health sanctuary which offers personalized treatments that helps women understand, manage and pamper their entire selves, in order to achieve a total wellbeing exuded by “Confidence”, “Relaxation”, “Elegance”, “Sophistication”. Todate, CRES salon has more than 30 types of beauty treatments, using CELLNIQUE products and 11 years of extensive experience in beauty. CRES is definitely a trustworthy, it make ladies more elegant, charming and attractive.

Recently, CRES launched a new facial treatment called Plotox Micro Facelift, which uses nanotechnology and biological liposome encapsulating technology to combine the anti-aging factor "Green Peptides" and whitening factor "AHAS" and penetrate quickly into deep skin cells to provide nutrition to the cell. Increase the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Making skin look full, shiny, white and young. This treatment will provide visible result within 15 minutes, rapid repair of the ruptured collagen, reduce wrinkles, tighten eye bags, reducing pores size, lifted and sharpened facial contour. You may look 5-10 years younger if continuous therapy for 3 month.

CRES 11th Anniversary open day will be held on 02/08/2014 till 03/08/2014 at 9 branches throughout Malaysia's. During the celebration every customer can enjoy up to 70% discounts and offers by CRES. The most exciting and special of the event are lucky draw gifts, cash vouchers worth more than RM1 million waiting for you to win. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I’m so glad to have join the BCL (Beauty Creative Lab) BFF Makeup Party last Sunday with my cousin at Damansara Uptown. In fact, my cousin is just like a BFF to me, we met socially almost every weekend since the day she came back to Malaysia for her summer holidays and internship. She was so happy when I invited her to join me for the party.

This is actually the first time I get to know more about BCL range of products. Special thanks to Manoah Consulting, Mandom and BCL Malaysia for inviting us to this party. And we are lucky enough to have Mr Takeru Hiroki, a make-up artist who came all the way from Japan, to demonstrate his bold but delicate technique to help us look our best!

Mr Takeru Hiroki from Japan

Generally, two makeup theme are demonstrated by Mr Takeru Hiroki; (1) Cool Beauty, which is defined and mature, (2) Japanese Idol, which is soft and supernatural. Always.. The first rule to makeup is to make sure our skin is in tip-top condition.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Amante's Charity Fair Fund Raiser

Amante Nail Spa a superlative spa for women housing popular beauty and wellness needs will be hosting a one-day Amante Charity Fair on 7th September 2014 from 10am to 6pm. In conjunction with this fair, customers can purchase the Amante Charity Coupon booklet for RM35. Inside the booklet has 7 X RM5 cash vouchers where you can purchase treatments, activities, food and games at Amante Charity Fair and BONUS thank you RM88 Hot Stone Massage treatment!

Proceeds from the Amante Charity Fair will be donated to GOOD SAMARITAN HOME – Home for Children in Malaysia for their education. Amante Nail Spa believe by helping to raise funds for this home would make learning possible for students of all ages, from pre-school to graduate school, providing basic education to those who need it most. Amante Nail Spa and I would like to invite you to come join us on the 7th September, 2014 at Amante Kota Damansara to show your support for these amazing young children and to Good Samaritan Home

Monday, July 14, 2014

Review : Nature's Baby Organics Ah-Choo! Chest Rub Eucalyptus

These days, parents are more discerning, and conscientious about the brands they choose. They are demanding accountability, transparency, and overall quality. Like most parents, I just want what’s best for my family too!

My son who is now 8 has always suffered from a blocked nose. He has been doing this gurgling sound and it can be heard real loud. This scares me. Thus, getting a good night's rest isn't always easy for my son. He always feel uncomfortable and gets really hard to breathe through. Since then, I have been trying to find something that can help my son get through the stuffy-headed misery and thank god I've finally found a product that I'm happy with.

Nature's Baby Organics Ah-Choo! Chest Rub Eucalyptus

The brand, Nature’s Baby Organic is not just a business.  It is a labor of love, developed by a mother whose concern for her children resulted in a pure, natural, chemical-free line of personal care products with no compromises; gentle enough for babies, yet beneficial for older children, and even mom and dad.
“I developed this product because I couldn't imagine putting chemicals on my babies’ dedicate hair and skin. My whole family adores Nature’s Baby and I know yours will too.” – Adena, Founder of Nature’s Baby Organics & Mother of Two 

Here I go for the Nature's Baby Organics Ah-Choo! Chest Rub Eucalyptus. The smell is heavenly to me, and a little goes a long way.  And best of all? It works as promised and allows my son to breathe easier especially during cold and flu season.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Review : KISS ME Heavy Rotation Shiny Jewel Eyeliner

Hi! Here's another review of a new KISS ME Heavy Rotation Shiny Jewel Eyeliner (01 Shiny Black). I’m having lots of fun experimenting with the product, and trust me, it helps to give you the illusion of an elongated, big, beautiful eyes and sparkling glitz for any occasion.

KISS ME Heavy Rotation Shiny Jewel Eyeliner packaged in a very sleek and simple with a black tube and gold text prints. It comes with a high-quality brush that can be used to apply a variety of different style lines. Designed for both, thick and thin lines on the upper or lower lid of the eye.

The product color code and net weight can be found on a gold sticker on the bottom of the bottle.

KISS ME Heavy Rotation Shiny Jewel Eyeliner available in 3 shades, I've got to try only one shade: 01 Shiny Black. Another two shades are called 02 Shiny Brown and 03 Shiny Pink WhiteBoth the shades 01 Shiny Black and 02 Shiny Brown gives high definition colors to accentuate your eyes for striking look. While with shade 03 Shiny Pink White, you can achieve an innocent and sweet looking eyes.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Review : BCL Browlash Ex Perfect Mascara & Eyeliner

Yeah! I finally collected my BCL Browlash Ex Perfect Mascara & Eyeliner from Monaoh Consulting on last Sunday. This opportunity came along at just the right time before I shop for my new mascara and it's always nice to try something new for a change. 

I have previously seen this product in SASA Mid Valley but I’m a little hesitant to follow through with the purchase. I literally refuse to buy anything else, unless I am seriously try it out or recommendations from friends/ family.

On receipt of my BCL Browlash Ex Perfect Mascara & Eyeliner, I was extremely impressed with the sturdy packaging and thoughtful presentation that went in to the product. The green and pink packaging is very distinctive and eye-catching, definitely stand out from the rest of the crowd.

BCL Browlash Ex Perfect Mascara & Eyeliner is a handy twin headed applicator - mascara and liquid eyeliner that comes nicely in a printed pink love-shape pattern tube for a perfect cat eye look. It combines two must-have makeup essentials that no one will ever reject.

BCL 2-In-1 Mascara & Eyeliner just perfect for on-the-go application

The best part is, this product contains 5 types of Beauty Essence (Moisturizing Ingredients) designed to keep our lashes healthy, such as  Collagen, Hydrolyzed Silk, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Panthenol (eyelash protecting ingredient) and Fucus Vesiculosus Extract.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mary Quant Beauty Workshop

I love beauty workshop especially hands-on! Here’s where I can have the opportunity to explore and try out new techniques of a particular skincare or makeup brand. Again, I was lucky enough to be invited by Monaoh Consulting to attend an exclusive Mary Quant hands-on beauty workshop last Sunday. 

Mary Quant cosmetic brand was launched last September in Muse by Watson, Sunway Pyramid and I did a post on the Launch of Mary Quant Cosmetics Brand at MUSE by Watsons previously. The launch was basically an introduction to Mary Quant cosmetic brand as well as a full makeup demonstration techniques using their products.

I wanted to play with all of them! 

The hands-on workshop was conducted at Mandom’s office by Mary Quant’s official Makeup Artist all the way from Japan, Ms TakakiIt's been about eight (8) months since we met and she was pretty still.

Ms Takaki (Left) and Model for the day (Right

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Launch Of Shizens Time Resistance Essence + Review + Giveaway

Shizens, as a brand that understands the importance of maintaining beauty, especially for a woman, Shizens is proud to introduce the all-new Time Resistance Essence, a firming skincare product that helps women to realize their dreams of keeping skin firm and supple throughout the day while performing their daily tasks. The launch of Shizens Time Resistance Essence was held at KLGCC one and a half month ago.

Ms. Ashley Tan, Deputy General Manager of Shizens Malaysia

To my surprise, the event celebrated the launch of Shizens Time Resistance Essence with an awesome dance performance. That was totally cool!

I’ve been lucky enough to receive a set of 5 Shizens skincare products to try out, which includes Hydro Cleanser, Hydro Enhancing Lotion, SHUĬ, Time Resistance Essence and Replenish Nutrient Expert. Each of the products is formulated using different botanical extracts that bring diverse yet harmonized functions to my skin.

My current skincare routine - Shizens

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